# Workflow Configuration

This guide illustrates how Workflows can be managed

# Retrieving Workflow Configurations

Retrieving or Listing workflows can be done via the API with the endpoints /workflowConfigurations/all to get a list of all configured workflows, or via /workflowConfiguration that retrieves the workflows for a given postal code.

# Creating Workflow Configurations

The creation of new workflows has to be made via direct Database Access. First connect to the database.

Then you can add a workflow configuration for a health office with the following MongoDB command:

db.workflowconfigurations.insertOne({ code: "", name: "demo-health-office", workflows: { registerAsContact: "email", travelReturn: "sormas", indexCase: "iris" } });

# Updating Workflow Configurations

You can also update specific workflow configurations. First connect to the database as well.

Then retrieve the id for the workflow configuration that you want to edit

db.workflowconfigurations.find({ code: "" });

Then run the following command, while supplying the id of the health office you wish to update in the second argument.

db.workflowconfigurations.update({ "_id": ObjectId("5fbe8e50a9e0bd330a09e606") },{ $set: { "workflows": { "registerAsContact": "email", "travelReturn": "email", "indexCase": "sormas" }}});

# Deleting Workflow Configurations

Deleting a Workflow configuration works the same. First connect to the database and retrieve the id as above.

Then run the delete command.

db.workflowconfigurations.remove({ "_id": ObjectId("5fbe8e50a9e0bd330a09e606") });